Bespoke Services

No task is too trivial for us Earth Angels to provide a service for.
From receiving Guests/ VIPs from the airport to Employment Pass applications, Company Formation and Bank Account opening all the way to Pet/ Plant-sitting for your boss & colleagues while they are away on a business trip, you can be assured that we will be delighted to help you.

What we are capable of doing is so vast that we would prefer that you give us a tinker at our Angel’s number
+65 8787 3245 to enquire for the service and fees involved. All tasks are customised according to the individual’s needs; and so are our fees. Our ultimate mission is to be able to bring solutions to your daily life.


  1. Guest Relations Service
    (e.g. Receiving and sending guests/ clients to and from the airport to their designated location; assistance to check-in at the airport/ hotel/ residence with them; arrangement to receive items on their behalf, etc)
  2. Personalised Courier Service (Document/ Bulky Items)
  3. Personal Admin Service
  4. Chauffeur Service
  5. Provision of representative to attend functions/ meetings
  6. Provision of Introduction Tour of Singapore and Culture to new foreign staff
  7. House/ Pet/ Plant-sitting Service
  8. Hydroponics Maintenance Service
  9. Hamper and Corporate gifts purchase 
  10. Last minute shopping for festive or personal events


  1. Company Incorporation Service
  2. Bespoke Bank Account Opening(Personal and Corporate)
  3. Employment Pass/ PR/ Citizenship Application Service
  4. HR Services
  5. Ad-hoc Admin and Operational Support Services
  6. Accounting and Tax Services
  7. Visa Applications
  8. Letter Of Recommendation for Bank Act Opening/Visa


  1. Residential/ commercial units for rent/ sale
  2. Interior Design/ Builder Services (commercial, retail and residential)
  3. Leadership Courses for Top Management
  4. Diverse Web courses for Employees
  5. Insurance (Personal/ Corporate/ Legacy & Wills Planning, Professional Indemnity Insurance Schemes, etc)
  6. Funeral Arrangement Services
  7. Events Management
  8. and the list goes on and on and on…….


Service We Provide

We provide quality service & support..

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Market Research

Digital Marketing Solution Female is firmament made land don’t good behold yielding morning hathe seas...

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Digital Marketing

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Web Development

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Trend Design

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Simply Adertisement

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Business Strategy

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Your Trusted Business Companion to Provide Personalised Essential Services to Your Business Needs


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